just like him Crislyn says " I am going to kill a bird a turkey a phesant and a MOOSE! Bretlee says " I am going to get one BIG BUCK! and some birds" When the girls said they wanted a BB GUN I had no clue where it came from and WE ALL figured they were little girsl that were a little young but, when the girls kept TELLING Papa Craig that he was getting it he figured he would not want to disapoint them and he did not! Thanks Grandma Sharon and Papa Craig! Also since Oakleys birthday they have wanted a new CAMP OUT aka Tent! They love making campouts when ever possible so they asked my mom for new campouts! SO with the help from Eliece and her online shopping my mom was able to get them Tents that fit on there bed well we put one on there bed and the other will be in the play room! They had a great birthday filled with tonz of fun a water party with there friends and a YATA aka Pinyata! Thanks so much to everyone who came and helped celebrate on there 4th birthday! They got a ton of nice gifts! The best company and they are completley wore

out! Thanks again for everything!
Oh my gosh, I cannot believe they are already that big! It seems like yesterday that you told me you were having twins!! They are darling!! :)
Haha. Yeah my house was/and still is a wreck. They can lick it tho because I am NOT going to live there. My landlords can suck it.
I would LOVE to write for the paper haha. I have always wanted to be a writer, but can never think of anything to write.
How is everything going?
I miss you too!!
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