So we all have those days that we just want to scream right! Well the last few weeks is how it has been for me! But, today I had finally had it the girls both went to the doctor on Tuesday. We found Bretlee had 2 ear infections also an upper respitory infection. So antibiotics here we come. Crislyn had croup! Steroids here we come the girls and the steroids never are fun! Then this morning Crislyn wakes up with her ears hurting and a goobery eye! NO Fun good thing the Dr. is so good he called in her perscription right away! Well all day all they wanted was there dad! Well he got off work just in time to go to his other job or social hour! I finally called him after about an hour and a half of him being there and said! YOU NEED to come home never really thinking he would and he did it was such a relief I let them lay all over him and wine at him and I laid in the bed room why they watched a movie and thought I need to get out of here before I pull my hair out! So I went to the gym.... I got home from the gym and the girls were sound asleep and colton got off the couch and got in bed him self but this is how the girls were!!! I love it! Thanks for all the help with the girls Colt! I really appreciate just beign able to bult! I love my kids so much but ear infections and 4 at a time is no fun after a so long!